The Music of the Mountain Jews

The Music of the Mountain Jews

歌手 Jewish Music Research Centre - The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
唱片公司 The Eight Note


歌曲 歌手 专辑 歌词
Lyr Jewish Music Research Centre - The Hebrew University of Jerusalem The Music of the Mountain Jews
Lgdal Jewish Music Research Centre - The Hebrew University of Jerusalem The Music of the Mountain Jews
Aji Tu Yorma Jewish Music Research Centre - The Hebrew University of Jerusalem The Music of the Mountain Jews
Khars Jewish Music Research Centre - The Hebrew University of Jerusalem The Music of the Mountain Jews
Odiguzal Jewish Music Research Centre - The Hebrew University of Jerusalem The Music of the Mountain Jews
Lezginka Khasavyurti Jewish Music Research Centre - The Hebrew University of Jerusalem The Music of the Mountain Jews
Lakho Dodi Jewish Music Research Centre - The Hebrew University of Jerusalem The Music of the Mountain Jews
Mugam and Trasnif Jewish Music Research Centre - The Hebrew University of Jerusalem The Music of the Mountain Jews
Mani K Haytoghi Jewish Music Research Centre - The Hebrew University of Jerusalem The Music of the Mountain Jews
Ha Adirit Vaha Amuno Jewish Music Research Centre - The Hebrew University of Jerusalem The Music of the Mountain Jews
Aylugh Jewish Music Research Centre - The Hebrew University of Jerusalem The Music of the Mountain Jews
Bar Yuhoy Jewish Music Research Centre - The Hebrew University of Jerusalem The Music of the Mountain Jews
Chukla Aillayma Jewish Music Research Centre - The Hebrew University of Jerusalem The Music of the Mountain Jews
Trakama Jewish Music Research Centre - The Hebrew University of Jerusalem The Music of the Mountain Jews
A Sar Savza Jewish Music Research Centre - The Hebrew University of Jerusalem The Music of the Mountain Jews
Ahut Ghatano Jewish Music Research Centre - The Hebrew University of Jerusalem The Music of the Mountain Jews
Lyr II Jewish Music Research Centre - The Hebrew University of Jerusalem The Music of the Mountain Jews
Rang Ovshori Jewish Music Research Centre - The Hebrew University of Jerusalem The Music of the Mountain Jews
Tarakama Jewish Music Research Centre - The Hebrew University of Jerusalem The Music of the Mountain Jews
Muyhotu Aji Dukhadar Jewish Music Research Centre - The Hebrew University of Jerusalem The Music of the Mountain Jews
Khuba Voaho Jewish Music Research Centre - The Hebrew University of Jerusalem The Music of the Mountain Jews
Khayvoni Jewish Music Research Centre - The Hebrew University of Jerusalem The Music of the Mountain Jews
Jon Dadday Jewish Music Research Centre - The Hebrew University of Jerusalem The Music of the Mountain Jews
Segah Rangi Jewish Music Research Centre - The Hebrew University of Jerusalem The Music of the Mountain Jews