lesleyshaw fan of leslie chuang 怀念哥哥 此曲作者为Xavier Cugat , 电影阿飞正传中曾大量使用他的音乐为电影配乐 Xavier Cugat (1900-1990 Remembered for his highly commercial approach to pop music, Xavier Cugat made an even greater mark as one of the pioneers o f Latin American dance music. During his eight-decade-long career, Cugat helped to popularize the tango, the cha-cha,the mambo,and the rhumba 阿飛正傳的配樂選用他於1961-1964年Mercury 時期的錄音﹐ 包括My Shawl ﹑Tequila ﹑The Breeze And I ﹑Perfidia ﹑ Siboney ﹑Jungle Drums ﹑Amapola ﹑Brazil ﹑Sway ﹑Maria Elena