Righteous ruler of the heavens Holy, holy, our GodSovereign, Lord of all creation Holy, holy, our GodEvery tribe and tongue Lift your voice as one He is greatly to be praised Sing to the Lord, oh my soul Let the heavens shout for joy Great is our GodGreat is our GodNations come and bow before HimHoly, holy, our GodAngels sing now and forever Holy, holy, our GodEvery tribe and tongue Lift your voice as one He is greatly to be praised Sing to the Lord, oh my soul Let the heavens shout for joy Singing great is our GodGreat is our GodThe heavens shall declare The glory of our great GodThe heavens shall declare The glory of our great GodThe heavens shall declare The glory of our great GodJesus, come let us adore HimHoly, holy, our GodSing to the Lord, oh my soul Let the heavens shout for joy Great is our GodGreat is our GodGreat is our GodYou are great Great is our GodSing great, great You are Lord Great is