(Kilfelt) The ancient parchment, unrolled before me Hands of unseen pull in greed Calmly, opened up before me Nurturing a bumming need Once a dream I know the moment Free for now, but fading fast Unprepared I gaze upon that which brings forbidden sight Blind my eyes, Lights so bright The penalty of fools who try In vain to do what greater men have failed The penalty of fools who try In vain to do what greater men have failed Into the wooden cross be nailed Damned by Judges, Sentenced by the court of law Innocence, no longer matters Helpless in my pleas for justice Decisions, from the Pharisees Condemned, without a chance to prove Truth, is just a changing thought Controlled by those who take, for them and Kept by wealthy lie protection Vaults hold sacred shrines of power Enforced by violent truths that change Fitting different lies to have A way to break the common man Thrown in cells to keep the order Sentenced there by stronger hands