[00:02.00]是时候把音乐带到不同的place [00:23.84]让他们知道生活有不同的ways [00:26.32]我们来到这里跟kings trade story [00:28.66]就让我们开发新的战局make glory [00:31.34]首先我要感谢我的customer [00:33.93]再来就是街道上的street hustler [00:36.46]当年看不起我放弃我的老师 [00:38.76]让我放下了书包走出来的教室 [00:41.08]我们那时喜欢看的是hip-hop magazine [00:43.61]讨论谁的歌最hot谁的车最辣 [00:46.12]谁被谁beat down了谁又被谁追杀 [00:48.88]戴上我们的Hip-Hop gear没有太多的资源 [00:51.31]So in any musical form we all share [00:54.29]任何跟你有关的点滴we all care [00:56.54]Surf on the net brother we look for you [00:59.39]如果让我dedicate我的life can I work for you [01:03.65]又是同一首歌repeat了好几天 [01:04.77]等了一个artist强壮不知道要好几年 [01:07.10]这么多年感谢你不断的给我支持 [01:09.05]精神上的鼓励还有good Rapper知识 [01:11.40]是时候把音乐带到不同的place [01:13.87]让他们知道生活有不同的ways [01:16.40]我们来到这里跟kings trade story [01:18.63]就让我们开发新的战局make glory [01:21.67]我们曾经是little hommie blood pumping cool aid [01:24.38]走破的球鞋街道的污秽 [01:26.59]学会了hustle用我的烂英文 [01:28.87]学会了young crime word太清纯 [01:31.26]I visualize the role use my soul来犯罪 [01:33.56]再把我的心带去跟首脑们餐会 [01:36.37]在这里我们represent R.O.C [01:38.67]AP的message spread out five boroughs [01:41.18]Connect with the gangsters send out bird [01:43.43]Ask me to murder track or extend our turf [01:46.31]这是我们的style他们学不来 [01:49.16]这是金融风暴不能profit的都该裁 [01:51.48]我们的business straight up represent Wu [01:54.39]看到我们的肤色就知道represent who [01:56.70]Making progress not only we across飞的 [01:59.11]我们的货deliver continent supply to黑的 [02:01.79]I’ve been lost in time for so long [02:11.93]Now the song is over and time is gone [02:17.67]Shorter of breath and no time to waste [02:21.76]Bring me your stories lets make a trade [02:29.88]Everyday Everyday [02:32.95]现在外面有很多的young cats look up to me [02:34.87]希望我Offer他们dreams还有security [02:36.85]不一样的rhyme flow你可以check [02:39.54]100% of the pure dope its legit [02:42.47]90% of the market cling to pop hsia [02:45.63]The rest 10% stick with me its only logic [02:47.90]听我的话赶紧让你的child learn [02:49.73]想要超越西方快点让你的fire burn [02:52.05]But anyway this is just another day [02:54.64]Me amount the kings chilling on the Holiday [02:57.36]Doing It up hu [02:58.67]There you go is your classic lets make it trade [03:04.80]