Heart like a Wheel 心如车轮 By Linda Ronstadt Some say the heart is just like a wheel 有人把心,比作车轮 When you bend it you can't mend it 一旦弯曲,无法修复 And my love for you is like a sinking ship 我给你的爱恰似正在下沉的船 And my heart is on that ship out on mid-ocean 我的心也在船上海上四处飘荡 When harm is done no love can be won 一旦受到伤害,爱将不复存在 I know it happens frequently 此事古难全 But I can't understand oh please God hold my hand 我却难以接受,啊,上帝拯救我吧 Why it should've happened to me 为何非让我碰上 And it's only love and it's only love 全世界,只有爱 That can wreck a human being and turn him inside out 才能把人击垮,并将他彻底颠覆。...................................................................................Some say the heart is just like a wheel 有人把心,比作车轮 When you bend it you can't mend it 一旦弯曲,无法修复 And my love for you is like a sinking ship 我给你的爱恰似正在下沉的船 And my heart is on that ship out on mid-ocean 我的心也在船上海上四处飘荡