(Theme: Nero / Roman Empire / Italy) (Latin choir: Nero Augustus Germanikus) It was thirty seven, You had first seen the light, Hunger and Illness kept you Awake at night, Adopted by Claudius, Who got poisoned so mean By mothers hands To keep the family clean (Nero's voice) Heroes never gonna die (Evil Inner voice) In the name of blood (peoples voice) Rome burns, hear your servants cry (servant's voice) Evil violent heart By seventeen years your moment has come, Killed your creator with feelings so numb This plan in your mind started to grow To blame all Christians, why ? Nobody knows ! (Nero's voice) Heroes never gonna die (Evil Inner voice) In the name of blood (peoples voice) Rome burns, hear your servants cry (servant's voice) Evil violent heart (C-PART:) Flame are as far as the eyes could see The screams of children with pain in their eyes Nothing could hide your lunacy And your rotten, deadly lies (Nero's voice) Heroes never gonna die (Evil Inner voice) In the name of blood (peoples voice) Rome burns, hear your servants cry (servant's voice) Evil violent heart (STORY:) At age of 17 Nero (Claudius Cesar Augustus Germanicus) became the Ruler of the Roman Empire in the year 54 A.D. He was emotionally unstable, capricious and scandalous, killed his mother his and 2 wives. In 64 A.D. he burned Rome to the ground, blamed it on the Christians and slaughtered many of them. On the 9th of June 68 A.D. the reign of lunacy ended when he committed suicide.