Ey Yo I'm slippin down a dark hole touchin my soul Think I'm rushin to the stars flash forward to zones Can't move a single bone so I let out a moan Would burn every single poem I wrote just to reach home Feel a rope around my neck tight wrip grip no slack Then I hear a whipe make a loud crack Then feel the flesh on my back split allowing blood to drip to the floor Then I hear a whole crowd roar With my last bit of strength open my eyes To see a pack of rednecks straight from 1905 Could tell by the clothes thery wore and their broken grammar That I was the main event of a lynching in Alabama My body started shaking stamina breaking down I screamed take me down they started laughing like clowns I wish I had a 4 pound or any automatic gun Just to see them crackers run like Satan had come Then I heard the sheriff say "Hey, bring me his son." Now picture that want my little boy to see his Daddy get hung Then the sheriff turned to me and said "Ain't this fun? Well this is what you get for florting with a white woman" [Chorus x2] Ey yo from day one you see they try to take us under Police with guns, and clans hanging us from lumber The shit don't change no matter the time no matter the place It all stays the same [Kimani] 1963 and now I'm trapped in a Birmingham jail Next door to King sitting hand cuffed to the rail I sailed through 3 generations of time but same predicament Cause now I'm deep in the thick of it, sick of I started downtown shopping at Montgomery Wards Where my mom sent me to buy a new ironing board >From down on Main Street, trooping through the summertime heat Sweating bullets, came to the colored door and I pull it Seen this white girl in late teens, blond hair and tight jeans Shorts who stopped to ask me if I like to play sports I replied yes, told her basketball was my best But all these lip reading white folks got confused with "nice breast" Now it's one mess after another, Get booted from out the store, still no ironingboard to give my mother Hovered outside on the grass where it seems that news travels fast Everyone that past said "that's your ass!" So I run home to tell mom, to just chill and stay calm But two hours later they burned a croos on the lawn Until dawn we stayed frightened my first instinct was fighting But 10 hooded crackers against one, and I'm done So I run to keep my family from any more calamity Right before the riverbank is where I got janked About to get hanged when the sheriff made his interjection And now I'm sitting in jail for my protection [Chorus x4]