A mother cries in a worn out two-room house Her only son is leaving, but she's glad He's getting out He sits her down, says you deserve a better life I'm gonna make one for us, cross my heart and hope to die chorus: I'll be back and everyone'll know my name Next time you lay eyes on me, things won't be same Rest assured every word I say is true I'm going to a better place but I promise you I'll be back He had a voice like no one had ever heard People came from miles around, hung on to every word But there were those He could not make believe They called him names and laughed at Him and he said, wait and see repeat chorus They say he walked up that hill at Calvary And not even the weight of the world could bring Him to his knees His Father's Son, He was born to pay the cost And everybody heard it as they nailed Him to the cross He said: repeat chorus