Yumma wa abba, wa masehakoom tebee'uni Yumma wa abba, wa masehakoom tebee'uni Bi-al bagar wal-ranam, wal-mah lifdeeni Bi-al bagar wal-ranam, wal-mah lifdeeni Yumma wa abba, wa law jakum matar fil-leyl Yumma wa abba, wa law jakum matar fil-leyl, La tihsabu hin hoo matar, el-damat eyni sel La tihsabu hin hoo matar, el-damat eyni sel Yumma wa abba, wa law jakum re'od fil-leyl Yumma wa abba, wa law jakum re'od fil-leyl Lah tihsabu hin hoo re'od, il-dagat galbi sel Lah tihsabu hin hoo re'od, il-dagat galbi sel Yumma.... Translation: Oh father, mother Don't make me marry him for money I love another Whose eyes are kind and lips are honey The cattle grazing fields are free So why enbondage me Your cows and oxen can be sold Do not enslave my soul Oh father, mother Your nights are stormed With rain and thunder Oh father, mother Your nights are stormed With rain and thunder The water gushing from the sky Is teardrops from my eyes The thunder tearing skies apart The Beating of my heart