Hey, Baby I just got back from town where the bribes are paid Honey, they turned my offer down they say the deal's already made So now Igotta stand and watch while it all falls down and the buzzards and the hawks and the judges and the mob circle around Now if I were the queen of all the world I would g0 in chains just to see you free of the ropes that bind you and the role you play and the game that hooks you while the big ones get away Love junkies wanna change the world but it quickly stays the same Money junkies hire all the smart ones Power junkies run the game One step at a time Polarity Hill If the bad guys don't get you then the good guys will With angels on the take and the gangsters in the yard Hey don't the wars come easy don't the peace come hard Now if I had a way to reach the sky I'd grab that crescent moon wield it like a knife save you from the lies and the ropes that bind you and the role you play and the game that hooks you while the big ones get away Love junkies wanna change the world: but it quickly stays the same Money junkies hire all the smart ones Power junkies run the game One step at a time Polarity Hill If the bad guys don't get you then the good guys will