Well, sir Antracon. She left you like a rotten ship? Eternity...is a long time to bare guilt. How did you get in here? This room is mine! Yours? If you would have defended what is yours. She would still be with you. Don't you Who are you? We were discussing you. Why are you taking the blame for her betrayal? If anyone. I'm the one who has betrayed. I've always felt like I'm not enough for her. Oh yes you do. Yes you do, i can feel it. She thinks you are too low for such noble family. Grandeur? My father was a soldier and my mother a low breed spaniard. I shouldn't have Why doubt thyself? You could be strong enough to lead armies, to rule kingdoms. I could I want to forget this doubt...this fear. I never want to feel this pain again. I am the roar of your pride and self-respect, telling you. That it's not your fault. Don't