作词 : Sacred Steel (XU:) "Descending from the Heavens, cloaked in Armour shining bright The grim foretold Messiah, wielder of the Power and Might The Punisher, the Oath-sworn King, the breaker of the Spell The one to crush the Tyranny and send him back to Hell !" (THE EMPEROR:) "I am the one, the Son of the Sun Creator of Light where the Darkness prevails Come True Ones, let Justice be done ! We'll banish the Darkness for he's bound to fail !" ("The Choir of the Chosen enshrouds me in Glory Immortal !") (THE ARMY OF A'RYTH-RA:) "HAIL ! HAIL ! HAIL ! HAIL ! HAIL ! HAIL !" ((THE EMPEROR:) "The Voice of the Goddess flows through me !") (XU:) "From now on call thee Emperor ! Scion of the Gods ! Gather the Chosen Ones there... (Now swear) THE OATH OF BLOOD ! Lead them to Glory forever, Wielder of the Sword !" (THE ARMY OF A'RYTH-RA:) "(We're) Building a Kingdom of Metal All sworn by THE OATH OF BLOOD !" (THE EMPEROR:) "Fight for your lives ! Be strong and survive ! The ending of Terror, his time is at hand The Night will die and our Light will shine... The coming of Judgement, the Tyranny's end..." "SATE MY STEEL WITH BLOOD ! FEED THE SLAUGHTERGOD !" "From now on call ME Emperor ! (I am the) Scion of the Gods ! (I've) Gathered the Chosen Ones here... (We are bound - in Life and Death - by) THE OATH OF BLOOD ! I'll lead 'em to Glory forever ! (I am the) Wielder of the Sword !" "(We're) Building a Kingdom of Metal All sworn by THE OATH OF BLOOD !"