Shattered lives and broken worlds. Pieces of life scattered all around. The art of politicians spread their canvas all over town. They paint with thick lines of red. All the lies and promises, the images won't leave their minds. The witnesses can't leave it all behind. [Chorus] Hearts on fire. Burning hot. Searching for more blood to feed them. With their desire they’d rather not look for peace. While their hatred’s breeding. DESTROY, R EBUILD! IT WON'T BRIN G IT BACK. ALL THE LI FE WE'VE K ILLED. BAC K THROUGH TIME IN AN D OUT OF D AYS FRAGME NTED LIVES SEEM TO WA STE AWAY. THE MONSTE RS HAVE ON CE AGAIN M ADE THEIR MARK. They paint with thick lines of red. All the lies and promises, the images won't leave their mind, the witnesses can't leave it all behind. [Chorus] Hearts on fire. Burning hot. Searching for more blood to feed them. With their desire they’d rather not look for peace. While their hatred’s breeding. And this will never end until their weapons melt. And we will never see or fell what they felt. (It is the people’s unlimited responsibility to choose and to act in accordance with that which is helpful to all living things! How much more so must this be the case for our leaders?) We've got the numbers but we're running out of time. one voice united we echo through these lines. free at last is what we saw but tonight we had it all. DESTROY, R EBUILD! IT WONT BRING IT BACK. A LL THE LIF E WE'VE KI LLED.