作词 : Bjastad, Raymond ... L :Be my kin free fro carnal and sin, 成为我这样不被肉欲原罪侵扰的族类 Bridle the thoughts of Master. 克制你主上的欲望 R :There hath past away a glore fro the Earth; 曾经在这世上的一项荣耀在逝去 A glore that in the hearts and minds of men, 就是那深植于人类内心与思想中的荣耀 Men demented blindfolded by light, 人类堕落了——被那荣耀的光芒所蒙蔽 Hourisheth as weed in their well-groom'd garihs." 就像种子在繁茂的温室花园中被滋养一样 R :Might I too was blindfolded ere, 我是否也曾被蒙蔽 L :The quality of mercy and absolution, 慈悲与赦免的能力 R :Tho'years have master'd me 多年来支配了我 L :Whence cometh such qualities? 这些能力是如何得来? R :A masque of this to fashion: 是时尚的面具: L :Build thyself a mirror in which 为你自己造一面镜子,在里面你会看到 R :Seer blest,thou best philosopher! 被祝福的先知,是最好的贤哲 L :Solely wanton images of thy desire appear! 那纯粹是出现在你的愿望中肆意的想象 R :Tis the Divine Comedy - 这是神的喜剧 L :Tis the Divine Tragedy - 这又是神的悲剧 L&R :The fool and the mocking court; 愚者与这班嘲讽的人; Fool,kneel now,and ring thy bells! 愚者,跪下,摇响你的铃铛! R :We hold the Earth fro Heaven away." 我们将凡间与天堂分离 L :Make us guffaw at thy futile follies, 你的愚行让我们粗声大笑, Yet for our blunders -Oh,in shame; M :That cross you wear around your neck; 但我们的错误——哦,真是可耻; 你脖子上的十字架, is it only a decoration,or are you a true Christian believer? Earth beareth no balm for mistakes - 我们将凡间与地狱分离。 世间没有后悔药- L&R :We hold the Earth fro Hell away." 只是一个装饰,或者你虔诚地信仰基督? F :Yes,I believe –truly 是的,我信主——忠诚的相信 M :Then I want you to remove it at once! 现在我要让你马上除掉这个装饰品 And never to wear it within this castle again! 并且永远不要在我的城堡里戴着它 Do you know how a falcon is trained my dear? 你知道怎么训练一只猎鹰么? Her eyes are sown shut.Blinded temporarily 她的双眼被蒙住。暂时的被遮住 she suffers the whims of her God patiently, 她的心中充满了对她坚信的“上帝”的胡思乱想 until her will is submerged and she learns to serve – 直到她被这些想法淹没,直到她学会为“上帝”服务 as your God taught and blinded you with crosses. 就像你的上帝教你的,就像祂用十字架让你盲眼 F :You had me take off my cross because it offended... 你让我拿掉我的十字架是因为它触怒了…… M :It offended no-one.No -it simply appears 它没有触怒任何人。是的——简单的说,似乎 to me to be discourteous to...to wear 这是对我无礼……戴着 the symbol of a deity long dead. 一个早已死亡的神的象征 My ancestors tried to find it.And to open 我的祖先曾尝试去找到它。尝试去打开 the door that separates us from our Creator. 隔离我们与造物主之间的大门 F :But you need no doors to find God.If you believe... 但是你并不需要打开什么门去找到上帝。只要你信主…… M :Believe?!If you believe you are gullible. 信主?!如果你相信那么你只是轻信 Can you look around this world and believe 你能看看你周围的世界,并且相信 in the goodness of a god who rules it? Famine,Pestilence,War,Disease and Death! 它是在上帝支配的“善”当中么 饥荒,瘟疫,战争,疾病和死亡! They rule this world. 它们支配这个世界! F :There is also love and life and hope. 这里依旧有“爱”,有“生命”,有“希望”。 M :Very little hope I assure you.No. 我像你保证只有一点点希望而已。是的 If a god of love and life ever did exist... 如果上帝之爱和生命在任何时候都是存在的 he is long since dead. 那么祂也不如死亡长久 Someone...something rules in his place. 某人……或者某种事物在祂的位置上支配着世界 R :Believe?In a deity long dead?– I would rather be a pagan suckled in creeds outworn; 信主?那早已死亡之神? 我宁愿当一个信奉古老信条的异教徒; With faartytales fill'd up in head: 脑中充满着神圣的仙境传说 Thoughts of the Book stillborn." 圣经自产生之时就已无意义 L :Shadow of annoyance – 扰人的黑影 Ne'er come hither 永远也别靠近 ...And then He falleth, ……神早已坠落 He falleth like Lucifer 就像路西法那样坠落 Ne'er to ascend again..." 永远无法找回自己的神权