[00:03.774]Across the dewy morning hills of Eireann [00:14.754]Rode Niamh Chinn Oir on a snow-white steed [00:20.256]To Oisin poet of the Fianna [00:28.004]For she fain would this mortal wed [00:36.011]Ride with me to the fairy land of Tir Na Nog [00:43.260]For I have long loved you said she [00:48.507]And Oisin taken with her beauty [00:56.506]He bade farewell to his company [01:04.002]They rode through stormy regions far beyond the sea [01:15.262]To a land where time had ne'er its harvest reaped [01:21.754]And for an age there Oisin lived contented [01:28.756]Till longing for his comrades made him weep [01:37.014]I cannot help but read these sad dreams in your eyes [01:47.504]So you may return to your country [01:54.504]And take my blessing with this one command [02:02.010]Do not dismount from you fairy steed [02:09.263]But when at last he reached that misty island [02:52.513]So strange a sight did meet his puzzled frown [02:59.757]For Oisin rode as a giant among the people [03:07.264]And nowhere were the Fianna to be found [03:14.763]He learned from a gathering of workers [03:22.021]Together straining with a heavy weights [03:28.756]That centuries before his friends had perished [03:35.769]Which painful tidings filled him with despair [03:42.769]As payment for the news that we have told you [03:50.757]Pray help us with this heavy stone to move [03:57.506]For if your strength should match your mighty stature [04:04.271]Scarce more than a touch enough should prove [04:11.502]But the saddle tore as Oisin leaned to help them [04:18.765]And sorely he upon the ground was thrown [04:25.766]He quickly changed to an aged man [04:32.770]And ne'er again laid eyes on Tir Na Nog.