[00:00.62]Lisa:And we deserve a French teacher who actually speaks French! [00:05.55]J'accuse, Monsieur Cusperberg! [00:08.42]Mr. Cusperberg:What is she yakkin' about? [00:10.60]Lisa:I rest my case. [00:11.96]Seymour Skinner:Nelson, rebuttal? [00:13.90]Nelson:Yo, everyone, it's me, Nelson! [00:16.92]Students:YAAAY! NELSON! NELSON! NELSON! NELSON! [00:24.95]Lisa:I'm not that cool, [00:27.26]I don't wear jeans. [00:31.13]I've polished an apple or two. [00:35.37]But every grape that I grubbed, [00:38.51]I grubbed it for you. [00:42.24]So call me bookworm, [00:47.28]But I'll never squirm [00:49.46]When there's work to be done. [00:53.15]Yes, I'll take my lunch at my desk [00:57.95]While you're all outside having fun. [01:06.26]Don't vote for me, kids of Springfield, [01:12.25]Unless you want an effective leader. [01:17.16]I'll talk to teachers, [01:19.60]I'll handle Skinner, [01:22.14]A vote for Lisa [01:24.65]Makes you the winner! [01:27.95]Students:Vote Lisa! Vote Lisa! Vote Lisa! [01:48.26]Lisa: What would you change? [01:51.40]Teachers: Eyes! Pearls! Smile! Hair points! [01:53.70]Dress! Poise! Shoes! Swatch watch! [01:57.69]Lisa:I may be the new girl [01:59.96]But you can't brain wash me [02:02.00]Just OshKosh B'Gosh me [02:04.10]And then leave me be [02:06.18]To fight for kid power [02:08.44]I must be heard not seen! [02:12.66]I have to lead wisely [02:14.82]Not just pimp and preen [02:16.84]Teachers: Nails! Dimples! Ears! Scrunchie! [02:18.26]Purse! Lunchbox! Teeth! Milhouse! [02:22.63]Lisa:This cutting up suits me [02:24.84]There's beauty within me [02:26.81]So let's Olsen twin me [02:29.00]Give them someone to love [02:31.21]This grown up make over [02:33.35]Has made me a super tween [02:37.71]For they are my people [02:39.66]And I am their queen! [02:59.27]Seymour Skinner:I'm so happy with my evil plan. [03:02.79]Say goodbye to music, gym and art! [03:06.65]Soon we will have the perfect school! [03:10.17]Where fun and excitement never start! [03:14.28]Groundskeeper Willie:I'm so drunk I could barely see! [03:17.40]But it helps me get through another day! [03:21.28]My stomach is filled with haggis and hurt! [03:24.97]I've got to go puke in some hay! [03:29.20]Bart:Lisa is a fool! [03:30.51]Seymour Skinner:I think the rules are cool! [03:32.35]Groundskeeper Willie:I'm fallin' in the pool! [03:40.76]Seymour Skinner:Mmmm, not a cloud in the sky. [03:43.78]Perfect day to unveil Operation SLAAAM: So Long, Athletics, Arts and Music. [03:48.14] Care for a T-shirt? [03:49.50]Superintendent Chalmers:T-shirt? [03:50.16]Why don't you just give me a sandwich board that says "Male Prostitute"? [03:53.95]Seymour Skinner:Forgive me, sir. [03:59.40]Lisa:What have I done? [04:01.26]Bart:What they wanted you to. [04:04.10]Lisa:Skinner betrayed me! [04:05.85]Bart:But a tango takes two. [04:09.56]Superintendent Chalmers:SKINNER!! I don't mean to interrupt your advice from the janitor, [04:13.26]but I say cut off the head and the body will die. [04:17.23]Seymour Skinner:You want to get rid of Lisa? But she's such a good student. [04:20.11]Superintendent Chalmers:Yes, I think she's a little too good for this school. [04:24.74]Lisa:If we stand together, we are strong! [04:27.60]Students:Yaaaaay! [04:29.40]Seymour Skinner:Lisa Simpson, you've just been transferred to the [04:31.33]Springfield Magnet School for the Gifted and Troublesome. [04:34.34]Please climb into the idling bus. [04:36.96]Lisa:But—but I— [04:41.21]Students:Poor Lisa! Poor Lisa! Poor Lisa! [04:45.30]Lisa:Don't cry for me, kids of Springfield, [04:50.56]You can still reach me through E-mail [04:55.36]At Smart Girl 6-3 underscore backslash [05:00.26]At yahoo dot com, at yahoo dot com.