Lisa:And we deserve a French teacher who actually speaks French! J'accuse, Monsieur Cusperberg! Mr. Cusperberg:What is she yakkin' about? Lisa:I rest my case. Seymour Skinner:Nelson, rebuttal? Nelson:Yo, everyone, it's me, Nelson! Students:YAAAY! NELSON! NELSON! NELSON! NELSON! Lisa:I'm not that cool, I don't wear jeans. I've polished an apple or two. But every grape that I grubbed, I grubbed it for you. So call me bookworm, But I'll never squirm When there's work to be done. Yes, I'll take my lunch at my desk While you're all outside having fun. Don't vote for me, kids of Springfield, Unless you want an effective leader. I'll talk to teachers, I'll handle Skinner, A vote for Lisa Makes you the winner! Students:Vote Lisa! Vote Lisa! Vote Lisa! Lisa: What would you change? Teachers: Eyes! Pearls! Smile! Hair points! Dress! Poise! Shoes! Swatch watch! Lisa:I may be the new girl But you can't brain wash me Just OshKosh B'Gosh me And then leave me be To fight for kid power I must be heard not seen! I have to lead wisely Not just pimp and preen Teachers: Nails! Dimples! Ears! Scrunchie! Purse! Lunchbox! Teeth! Milhouse! Lisa:This cutting up suits me There's beauty within me So let's Olsen twin me Give them someone to love This grown up make over Has made me a super tween For they are my people And I am their queen! Seymour Skinner:I'm so happy with my evil plan. Say goodbye to music, gym and art! Soon we will have the perfect school! Where fun and excitement never start! Groundskeeper Willie:I'm so drunk I could barely see! But it helps me get through another day! My stomach is filled with haggis and hurt! I've got to go puke in some hay! Bart:Lisa is a fool! Seymour Skinner:I think the rules are cool! Groundskeeper Willie:I'm fallin' in the pool! Seymour Skinner:Mmmm, not a cloud in the sky. Perfect day to unveil Operation SLAAAM: So Long, Athletics, Arts and Music. Care for a T-shirt? Superintendent Chalmers:T-shirt? Why don't you just give me a sandwich board that says "Male Prostitute"? Seymour Skinner:Forgive me, sir. Lisa:What have I done? Bart:What they wanted you to. Lisa:Skinner betrayed me! Bart:But a tango takes two. Superintendent Chalmers:SKINNER!! I don't mean to interrupt your advice from the janitor, but I say cut off the head and the body will die. Seymour Skinner:You want to get rid of Lisa? But she's such a good student. Superintendent Chalmers:Yes, I think she's a little too good for this school. Lisa:If we stand together, we are strong! Students:Yaaaaay! Seymour Skinner:Lisa Simpson, you've just been transferred to the Springfield Magnet School for the Gifted and Troublesome. Please climb into the idling bus. Lisa:But—but I— Students:Poor Lisa! Poor Lisa! Poor Lisa! Lisa:Don't cry for me, kids of Springfield, You can still reach me through E-mail At Smart Girl 6-3 underscore backslash At yahoo dot com, at yahoo dot com.