Homer:Now people have been accusing this family of not loving our country. But you can't spell USA without "US," eh? The Simpsons:Oh beautiful for spacious skies For amber waves of grain. Homer:Fifty stars and thirteen stripes. Marge:Okay, kids, show off your pipes. Bart:Americans are brave and loyal. So come on, jerks, give us your oil. Lisa:My card here says "ACLU," Now look what I'm going to do. Homer:To love our country is no chore. Marge:Wait right here for our encore! Homer:We mean it, don't move! Prisoner:They've escaped! Homer:Okay, kids, show off your pipes. Bart:Dad, why are you still singing that stupid song? Homer:Because, if they catch us, we might have to do it again! And next time, I want it tight!