Marge:You know, we should visit Shelbyville more often. They have a store that just sells shoes. I feel like I'm in Paris! Lisa:Oh! The famous Shelbyville theater district! Can we see a play? Bart:Play? All plays suck, all the time and always will and everyone knows it. Homer:Look, we'll compromise. We'll go see a play that Lisa doesn't want to see. Lisa:Huh? Marge:Let's see...there's Equus starring Sideshow Mel, The Three Dollar Bills in Gay Gay Gay. Ooh! Song of Shelbyville! Cast:From the schoolhouse where our grandparents learnt To the bad zoo where all the animals burnt, We're home to Christian, Muslim and Jew Although not many of the last two. Male Soloist:There's a girl for every guy Female Soloist:Birthplace of the button fly. Cast:In good ol' Shelbyville!