[00:04.14]Singers:Some folk'll never eat a skunk, [00:06.14]But then again, some folk'll [00:08.00]Like Cletus the Slack-Jawed Yokel! [00:14.29]Cletus:Hey, what's goin' on on this side? [00:17.30]Hey, Brandine! You might could wear these to yer job interview. [00:21.54]Brandine:An' scuff up the topless dancin' runway?! Naw! Yeh best bring 'em back where from y'got 'em! [00:27.25]Cletus:Uh-kay. Back you go to wait for a woman wid less discriminatin' taste. [00:37.61]Singers:Most folk'll never lose a toe, [00:39.64]But then again, some folk'll [00:41.51]Like Cletus the Slack-Jawed Yokel! [00:48.40]Cletus:Hey, y'know what? I could call my Maw while I'm up here. Hey, Maw! Git off the dang roof!!