My companion has been a guest to all the kings and queens alive My companion is distinguished, charming, and so dignified So we would share our many ideologies of the night But lets keep them there they didn't age so well by morning light Roast the barrels, harvest barley, and ferment the grapes The feast is over now the time has come for us to wait So grab a glass pour a drink as we drown ourselves We had a point but it was hazy just like everything else tonight Erase the sorrow of the fallen and the sorely missed And through euphoria you'll relate to this My family is filled with patriots and Spaniards and the like My family has joined the Russians and the British through their fights In the catacombs of monasteries nobles claim to be So build a cellar and invite the neighbors over just to see Assess the danger of your actions then you take the risk And when your bruises are amusing you'll relate to this