作词:Lin-Manuel Miranda 作曲:Lin-Manuel Miranda [00:00]First Burn [00:14]I saved every letter you wrote me [00:19]我留着你写给我的每一封信 [00:19]From the moment I saw you [00:21]在看见你的那一刻 [00:21]I knew you were mine [00:22]我便知道你属于我 [00:22]You said you were mine [00:24]你说你属于我 [00:24]I thought you were mine [00:30]我以为你属于我 [00:30] [00:30] [00:30]Do you know what Angelica said [00:33]你知道安洁莉卡 [00:33]When I told her what you’ve done? [00:36]在得知你所做所为后怎么说吗 [00:36]She said “You have married an Icarus [00:40]她说: “你嫁给了一个伊卡洛斯 [00:40]He has flown too close to the sun” [00:44]他已经飞得离太阳太近” [00:44]Don’t take another step in my direction [00:47]别!别再靠近我 [00:47]I can’t be trusted around you [00:51]我不知道自己会做出什么 [00:51]Don’t think you can talk your way [00:54]别以为你的花言巧语 [00:54]Into my arms, into my arms [00:58]能赢回我的怀抱,赢回我的心 [00:58] [00:58] [00:58]I’m burning the letters you wrote me [01:02]我要烧掉所有你写给我的信 [01:02]You can stand over there if you want [01:04]如果你想的话 可以站在一边看着 [01:04]I don’t know who you are [01:06]我不认识你 [01:06]I have so much to learn [01:09]我原来如此无知 [01:09]I’m re-reading your letters [01:11]我重新读着你写的信 [01:11]And watching them burn [01:19]看着它们燃烧 [01:19]The world seemed to burn [01:27]世界仿佛在燃烧 [01:27] [01:27] [01:27]You published the letters she wrote you [01:30]你将她写给你的信公之于众 [01:30]You told the whole world [01:32]你告诉整个世界 [01:32]How you brought this girl into our bed [01:35]你如何将这个女孩带到我们的床上 [01:35]In clearing your name, you have ruined our lives [01:42]为了洗清你的名声,你毁掉了我们的生活 [01:42]Heaven forbid someone whisper [01:44]但愿不会有人说 [01:44]“He’s part of some scheme” [01:46]“这是政治牺牲” [01:46]Your enemy whispers [01:48]你的政敌低声私语 [01:48]So you have to scream [01:50]所以你要大声反驳 [01:50]I know about whispers [01:52]我太了解那些低声私语了 [01:52]I see how you look at my sister [01:57]我了解你看我姐姐的眼神 [01:57]Don’t, I’m not naive [02:00]别!我并不幼稚! [02:00]I have seen women around you [02:04]我看得见围绕在你身边的女人 [02:04]Don’t think I don’t see How they fall for your charms [02:10]别以为我没看到她们怎样为你倾倒 [02:10] [02:10] [02:10]I’m erasing myself from the narrative [02:14]我要将自己从你的故事里抹去 [02:14]Let future historians wonder how Eliza reacted [02:19]让后来的历史学家们猜想伊莱莎如何回应 [02:19]When you broke her heart [02:22]当你伤透了她的心 [02:22]You have thrown it all away [02:25]你将她击碎 [02:25]Stand back, and watching it burn [02:32]退后,看着火焰燃烧 [02:32]I hope that you burn [02:39]我希望你如火焚身 [02:39] [02:39] [02:39]And when the time comes [02:41]当孩子们长大 [02:41]Explain to the children [02:43]向他们解释时 [02:43]The pain and embarrassment [02:45]你让他们母亲经受的 [02:45]You put their mother through [02:47]尴尬与痛苦 [02:47]When will you learn [02:48]你什么时候才能明白 [02:48]That they are your legacy? [02:50]他们才是你的遗产 [02:50]We are your legacy [03:02]我们才是你的遗产 [03:02] [03:02]Don’t! [03:05]别!