Satisfied from "Hamilton" Alright alright 好了好了 That's what I'm talkin' about 大家安静一下,听我讲一句 Now everyone give it up for the maid of honor 现在所有人都站起来,为伴娘举杯 Angelica Schuyler 安吉丽卡 斯凯勒 A toast to the groom! (to the groom, to the groom, to the groom) 敬新郎!(敬新郎,敬新郎,敬新郎) To the bride! (to the bride, to the bride, to the bride) 敬新娘!(敬新娘,敬新娘,敬新娘) From your sister (Angelica, Angelica, Angelica) 来自你们的姐姐 (安吉里卡,安吉里卡,安吉里卡) Who is always by your side (by your side, by your side) 她永远站在你身边(在你身边,在你身边) To the union (to the union, to the revolution) 敬你们的结合! (敬你们的结合,敬革命!) And the hope that you provide (you provide, you provide) 敬你们带来的希望!(带来,带来) May you always (always) 希望你们永远(永远) Be satisfied (Rewind) 感到满足(时光倒退) I remember that night, I just might 我依然清楚的记得那个晚上,我可能 Regret that night for the rest of my days 会为那晚的的决定后悔终身 I remember those soldier boys 我记得那些年轻士兵 Tripping over themselves to win our praise 笨拙地想要赢得我们的赞美 I remember that dreamlike candlelight 我记得那梦幻般的烛光 Like a dream that you can’t quite place 就像无处安放的美梦 But Alexander, I’ll never forget the first 但是亚历山大,我绝不会忘记我们的 Time I saw your face 初次相遇 I have never been the same 我的人生从此改变 Intelligent eyes in a hunger-pang frame 智慧的眼睛在饥渴的身上 And when you said “Hi,” 当你跟我打招呼 I forgot my dang name 我甚至忘了我的名字 Set my heart aflame, ev’ry part aflame 我的心在燃烧,全身都在燃烧 This is not a game 这不是游戏 You strike me as a woman who has never been satisfied 你打动了我,你是一个永不满足的女人 I’m sure I don’t know what you mean, you forget yourself 我不懂你什么意思,你失礼了 You’re like me, I’ve never been satisfied 我们是同一类人,我从不会满足 Is that right? 是这样吗? I have never been satisfied 我从未被满足过 My name's Angelica Schuyler 我叫安吉里卡 凯斯勒 Alexander Hamilton 亚历山大 汉密尔顿 Where’s your fam’ly from? 你的家族来自哪里? Unimportant, there’s a million things I haven’t done 那不重要,有成千上万的事等着我去完成 Just you wait, just you wait... 你等着瞧吧,你等着瞧吧 So so so— 啊 啊 啊 So this is what it feels like to match wits 原来这就是遇上 With someone at your level! What the hell is the catch? It’s 一个和你同样智慧的人的感受 The feeling of freedom, of seein’ the light 是身获自由,是突然顿悟 It’s Ben Franklin with a key and a kite! You see it, right? 是握着风筝和钥匙的富兰克林,你明白,对吧 The conversation lasted two minutes, maybe three minutes 我们谈了两三分钟 Ev’rything we said in total agreement, it’s 我认同他说的每句话 A dream and it’s a bit of a dance 简直是在做梦又如跳舞 A bit of a posture, it’s a bit of a stance. 我仿佛不停摇曳 He’s a bit of a flirt, but I’m ‘a give him a chance 他有点轻浮,但我要给他个机会 I asked about his fam’ly, did you see his answer? 我问他家族在哪时,你注意到他的回答了吗? His hands started fidgeting, he looked askance 他开始坐立不安,神情飘忽 He’s penniless, he’s flying by the seat of his pants 他身无分文,摸索行事 Handsome, boy, does he know it! 他多英俊啊,却不自知 Peach fuzz, and he can’t even grow it! 脸上有绒毛,还没长出胡子 Want to take him far from this place 我想马上带着他远走高飞 And turn around and see my sister’s face and she is 然而当我回头看到我妹妹的时候,她那么 Helpless 情迷意乱 And I know she is 我知道她 Helpless 手足无措 And her eyes are just 她的眼睛如此 Helpless 情迷意乱 And I realize three fundamental truths at the exact same time 我一瞬间意识到三个基本事实 Where are you taking me 你要带我去哪儿? I'm about to change your life 我要改变你的命运 Then by all means lead the way 那我就恭敬不如从命了 I’m a girl in a world in which 我是个上流社会的女孩 My only job is to marry rich 唯一的任务是嫁给有钱人 My father has no sons so I’m the one 我父亲没有儿子,向上爬的 Who has to social climb for one 责任在我身上 I’m the oldest and the wittiest and the gossip in 我是最聪明的长女,纽约的 New York City is insidious 流言蜚语险恶 Alexander is penniless 亚历山大身无分文 Ha! That doesn’t mean I want him any less 哈!但这一点都不是我不想要他的理由 Elizabeth Schuyler It's a pleasure to meet you 伊丽莎白 斯凯勒,很高兴认识你 Schuyler? 斯凯勒? My sister 我妹妹 He’s after me 'cause I’m a Schuyler sister 他追求我,因为我是斯凯勒家族的姑娘 That elevates his status, I’d 能让他的地位迅速上升 Have to be naïve to set that aside 我必须装傻才能假装不知道 Maybe that is why I introduce him to Eliza 这也是我为什么把伊莱扎介绍给他 Now that’s his bride 现在她成了他的新娘 Nice going, Angelica, he was right 这样很好,安吉里卡,他说得对 You will never be satisfied 你永远不会满足 Thank you for all your service 谢谢你一直以来的贡献 If it takes fighting a war for us to meet it will have been worth it 如果一场战争能让你我邂逅,那就让战火弥漫吧 I'll leave you to it 我先告退了 I know my sister like I know my own mind 我太了解我妹妹了 You will never find anyone as trusting or as kind 她是世界上最信任别人最善良的人 If I tell her that I love him she’ll be silently resigned 如果我告诉她我爱他,她会毫无怨言地把他让给我 He’ll be mine 他就是我的了 She would say, “I’m fine” 她会说:“没关系,我很好” But she’d be lying 但是她说谎 But when I fantasize at night 但当我在夜里幻想时 It’s Alexander’s eyes 我看见的是亚历山大的眼睛 As I romanticize what might have been 我会幻想 If I hadn’t sized him up so quickly 如果我没有那么快做出决定结局会怎样 At least my dear Eliza’s his wife 但至少我亲爱的伊莱扎是他的妻子了 At least I keep his eyes in my life… 至少我把他的眼睛留在了生命里 He'll never be satisfied 他永远不会满足 I will never be satisfied 我永远不会满足 To the groom! (to the groom, to the groom, to the groom) 敬新郎!(敬新郎,敬新郎,敬新郎) To the bride! (to the bride, to the bride, to the bride) 敬新娘!(敬新娘,敬新娘,敬新娘) From your sister (Angelica, Angelica, Angelica) 来自你们的姐姐 (安吉里卡,安吉里卡,安吉里卡) Who is always by your side (by your side, by your side) 永远站在你身边(在你身边,在你身边) To the union (to the union, to the revolution) 敬你们的结合! (敬你们的结合,敬革命!) And the hope that you provide (you provide, you provide) 敬你们带来的希望!(带来,带来) May you always (always) 希望你们永远(永远) Be satisfied (satisfied, satisfied,satisfied) 感到满足 And I know she’ll be happy as his bride 我知道她会是一个幸福的新娘 And I know he'll never be satisfied 我也知道他永远不会满足 I'll never be satisfied 我也永远不会满足