作曲 : 邢凯杰(Kingzel Lil) 作词 : 邢凯杰(Kingzel Lil) We drunk,we talking with friend of us We laugh,we sneaking,phone light facing us AD like door rings,**** it all up,**** it all up i drink Selfie with ***ing,too crowd of man calling Kiss me and hug me,too much to bring the old in it Ex-List Ex-List Ex-List There ring my phone down Ex-List Ex-List Ex-List Why should i come out Ex-List Ex-List Ex-List There i need a gun Ex-List Ex-List Ex-List Shut down Your skin like i've seen,oh i mess it up Closer to strange game,Should i give it up Ex-call,no hearing,how i could wish,i could wish You ring Music with breath,lazy in my landscape Crazy amd ****ing,too sin to get me in deep Ex-List Ex-List Ex-List There ring my phone down Ex-List Ex-List Ex-List Why should i come out Ex-List Ex-List Ex-List There i need a gun Ex-List Ex-List Ex-List Shut down