陷入一场永无止境的梦里 仿佛身处弥漫成灾的雾中 毫无征兆便身处险境 只得在狂风暴雨中故作镇定 无家可归、流离失所 流落街头亦无人嘘寒问暖 你与我同舟共济 于我的信仰洒下希望的光芒 我失声于受宠若惊 因为我心终于从寒冬中苏醒 若此生再不相见 我愿随梦飘越重重阻隔 因为我从未在这般的寒夜里 奢求过梦境的温暖 梦里有永无乡清风的温暖 所有云影亦褪去不再 我试着向世界呐喊 始终不愿放弃 他们说 我也会在阳光下光彩夺目 只是禁不起寒夜的冷峻 瑟瑟发抖 如今我仍心存感激 因你曾温暖我破碎的心 你的圣洁与荣光 有幸瞻仰便是美好 此生或许再不相见 我将随梦飘越重重阻隔 因为我从未在这般的寒夜里 奢求过梦境的温暖 [00:00.000] 作曲 : Puff/JigglePuff乐队 [00:00.690] 作词 : Puff/JigglePuff乐队 [00:02.70]演唱:Pony [00:03.04]和声:Coco [00:03.39]编曲:Puff [00:03.86]混音:Puff [00:04.11]母带:Puff [00:05.39]I’m inside of a dream that never ends [00:15.47]Got caught up in the mist that overran [00:25.61]Can’t hear the siren where the violence’s going on [00:30.88]Pretense of silence in the storm [00:36.56]I’m nowhere to be seen [00:41.80]A John Doe on the streets [00:45.53]You came to drift with me [00:50.03]Shed a light on my belief [00:55.78]I’m way too stunned to speak [01:00.17]When my heart it melts to breathe [01:05.41]Were it the last time in this whole life [01:10.54]I’d sleepwalk the space between [01:15.60]Because for the first time in the cold nights [01:20.54]I’m alive in my dream [02:10.30]I feel the warmth in the breeze from never land [02:20.54]I see the shadows beneath fade again [02:30.79]Take conversations with more patience like a stone [02:35.94]But not forsaken when I’m told [02:41.28]That I glitter in the sunlight [02:46.75]Just shiver in the night [02:50.71]I’m grateful that you fit [02:55.08]Right before my broken shields [03:00.74]Your glory’s meant to be [03:05.30]Something beautiful to greet [03:10.40]Here comes the last time in this whole life [03:15.57]I’ll sleepwalk the space between [03:20.64]Because for the first time in the cold nights [03:25.67]I’m alive in my dream