She's set up in her ways staying awful thin, he's fed up being poor and got laws to bend, everywhere I walk distortion is, but are you not entertained? Of course you is She's set up in her ways staying awful thin, he's fed up being poor and got laws to bend, everywhere I walk distortion is, but are you not entertained? Of course you is, everywhere I walk, distortion is, but are you not entertained, of course you is. Obsessed from a young age, cool as, guns blazed, none safe, ignorance is on the front page, at some stage man, we slipped into some dumb phase, filled with pictures of bitches up in a drunk daze, some times I cant believe what they be feeding us, gossip it got the medias obedience, toxic, they got us reading about some deviants, they prefer photogenic over genius, ingredients to aid self destruction, popularity increases if ya fail to function, intelligence equates to sales of nothing, I reminisce on tapes that were laced with substance, when investigative news the papers published, and all girls didn't think their body shapes repugnant, a great abundance of lives to idolize, modern scribes seem confined to meaningless diatribe, in my eyes, in your eyes. She's set up in her ways staying awful thin, he's fed up being poor and got laws to bend, everywhere I walk distortion is, but are you not entertained? Of course you is She's set up in her ways staying awful thin, he's fed up being poor and got laws to bend, everywhere I walk distortion is, but are you not entertained? Of course you is, everywhere I walk, distortion is, but are you not entertained, of course you is. We got idols who's life got em stocking up pills, get the spotlight for piping , millssquandering , rhymers who get shot, rob and they steal, rub off on the brightest, now they out popping tills, what's the appeal, what created the change up, not even a teen she's caking her face with make up, is it human nature, a good girl gone bad, drinking wine in her house singing songs about rehab, stumbling home, ripped Jeans and knee scabs, skin and bone our culture seems to breed that, could it be that? They're vision of beauty is shallow, climbing poles shaking bootys like pussycat dolls, mindstate, undeveloped like tadpoles, that push our souls, see the imminent black holes, that hold that they got, outta control, but you know it don't's profitable, for my eyes, for your eyes, for her eyes, it's right there. She's set up in her ways staying awful thin, he's fed up being poor and got laws to bend, everywhere I walk distortion is, but are you not entertained? Of course you is She's set up in her ways staying awful thin, he's fed up being poor and got laws to bend, everywhere I walk distortion is, but are you not entertained? Of course you is, everywhere I walk, distortion is, but are you not entertained, of course you is. Why do they walk like this, why do they talk like this, simple and plain they just caught where distortion is, why do we walk like this, why do we talk like this, we ourselves change like up in this game we've been forced to fit. Why do they walk like this, why do they talk like this, simple and plain they just caught where distortion is, why do we walk like this, why do we talk like this, we ourselves change like up in this game we've been forced to fit. Why do they walk like this, why do they talk like this, simple and plain they just caught where distortion is,