Once within the chaotic maze I'm lost forlorn Crushed in dejection by a whole host of possibilities I followed whispers suffocating in the gloom Gurgling like blood through a slit throat I followed in silence amid twisting halls Only just iridescent of fading specks of light Consumed and put out by tears that blood has shed All around losing substance giving way to numbness Where in others what springs is fear of the unknown In essence irrational but still hard to subjugate Bleak prospect of finding any sense at all Betrayed from the start by my very nature Fruit of centuries of regenerating in suppression Absurd inhibitions shackled higher insurrection Incoherent ideas sculpted to spread dismay and guilt For crimes that aren't, in my core I seek to ravish Lapsing in lower state while drifting in a sea of languor Demise is all I can perceive among this horde Vacillating like tired birds amid ferocious hail Sipping untold mystery diseased born of fear Raping dispoiling whatever pure still stands Adulterated by slithering concealed snakes Sinuously in motion allure to feeble emotion Envenomed dragged to the brink of resignation Life allure to the hopeless herd grazing in envenomed fields Lost in a path littered by virtuous truths of doubt Bound by gregarious existence based upon perversion Castrated ideals set my inside ablaze Upon facing the golden age of filth Pervaded with every kind of shit Where subhuman mongoloid scum Thrive engaging in boundaries perversion Orgiastic culture of death fruit of our own making Upon abject liars I vomit this visceral gush of aversion Sought for domination I'm none's to bleed Never shall I feed greed with pain and fear Cut me open pull me inside out but I shall never bleed All around me weather before hateful eyes Bonds of affection are no more than frail twigs Bound to be shattered in the midst of violent gales Gales of hate where's there's no life Veins vigorously pumping blood infused in abhorrence While malevolence brews within my soulless heart Intrinsic hatred voraciously eating me out Lost and destined to dwell were no life dwells Dead inside now choking on my own lies Death becomes the only concrete reality