A million gallons of guilt Stemming from a heart of Macondo Poison in the blood and silt Are so far beyond what lies below And as the black tar fouls the beaches of our conscience Thousand mile wide of Deepwater Horizon The wave of turbidity crashes the shoreline of our tolerance Drifting into immunity Houston, I think I have a problem Macondo Macondo Macondo Macondo As hours turn into days And then seep into nightmares Fins and feathers slowly make their way Through the loyal oiled waters Liars Excuses and royalties going down every second As finger-pointing friends downplay their responsibilities Hoping for dividends The wave of turbidity crashes the shoreline of our tolerance Drifting into immunity Houston, I think I have a problem Macondo Macondo Macondo Macondo Save me from this madness This oil-covered sadness Macondo Macondo Macondo Macondo Macondo Macondo Macondo Macondo