From the top of this tower I've watched it for so long Aeons corrupted as the world rots away A shade of indifference casts forth reflections A mirror of thought, abandoned and destroyed Refuge of loneliness, barren and forlorn Sculptor divine, who carves a black hole They'll come back screaming, demented and deranged Lurk in the shadows malicious man from the sky Forging nothingness since the time when stars were born You look down on us until the world dies Your grand creation did nothing but damn us all You painted the earth with the blood of every man There's no room for hope when looking through the eyes of death We'll all be consumed, wanderers of the void You reform the clouds to show a glimpse of heaven You'll show no mercy, architect of the void. I will journey past the stars to find you I know you will be there waiting You have answers that will tell us why This world is filled with nothing but lies