Beachcoma 晕眩 The point at which you looked at me Has always been part of my brain Now my mind is in a whirl And it seems I am not the same My dear and special friend There's never a point at which we end, oh no 你凝视我的那一刻 始终停留在我的脑海里 此刻我的头脑一阵天旋地转 我似乎已经和从前判若两人 我至亲至爱的朋友 从没有哪一刻我们给彼此这样的感觉,从未 I'm in mine, and mine is fine I'm wrapped up in shiny things Blackbirds in summer time They find a low I end up being you My dear and special friend There's never a point at which we end, oh no 我自得其乐心满意足 明媚的东西包围在我四周 夏日的黑鹂在彼处低吟 这一岸的我和你互相交融 我至亲至爱的朋友 从没有哪一刻我们如此贴近,从未 The point at which I looked at you Has always been part of my brain Now my mind is in a whirl And it seems I am not the same My dear and special friend There's never a point at which we end, oh no 我凝视你的那一刻 始终停留在我的脑海里 此刻我的头脑一阵天旋地转 我似乎已经和从前判若两人 我至亲至爱的朋友 从没有哪一刻我们给彼此这样的感觉,从未 Polished Stone 沙石相倚 Now I fall to the ground I can't get up, well never mind I know you'll pull me up by my bones And say I'm sand to polished stone 一个踉跄我跌倒在地 无力爬起,也不介意 贴合我,引导我,你会这么做 就像沙子依偎石头,不离不弃 Today's gone and it won't be long Before we fall asleep and forget what we've done We won't get up cos today is fun We're alone 无法让时间停滞 终会进入梦乡,忘记刚才发生的一切 只属于我们两人的今夜 尽兴欢乐,逃避明日晨光 Now you bite my tongue And when the alcohol's gone I won't feel a thing So you don't carry on 舌头探入口中,纠缠不放 等酒精失去效力 我抛弃感觉 你不做念想 It's numb It's numb It's numb 麻痹头脑 麻木内心 麻醉我们的感情