how many lights do you see?how many lights do you see?how many lights do you see?there's one to say that night has comeand there's one that guards this jagged shoreand there's one to call the children homeand there's one to light the path they takehow many lights do you see?how many lights do you see?there's one to keep the shadows offand there's one that tells me she got homeand there's one to read his novel byand there's one that warms this dreary roomand there's one to watch the baby sleepand there's one to count the blinking starsand there's one that i just can't forgetand there's one that i remember toohow many lights do you see?how many lights do you see?there's one that waits for closing timeand there's one that gets left on all nightand there's one that marks the western skyand it shines down on the quiet streetand there's one that floods the darker partsand there's one that hurts my tired eyesand there's one that says she's not asleepand there's one that waits for her to wakehow many lights do you see?how many lights do you see?there is one that spills out on the beachand it sparkles on the jetting rocksand there is one that waits for tired shipsthat sleep within this tired port