作曲 : Battalion Winter Campaign! Marching on - crawling through the snow Cold wind freezes - wounded limbs and bones Advance, no treaty - no sight of warmth and peace Stand your ground - inhale bacteria and disease Temperature drop below zero - nightly still - calm before storm Suddenly an outburst of artillery fire shakes the ground Companies are scattered Mosin Nagant is your only friend Insomnia in the trenches where dead comrades lying left to rot Misty morning - day breaks another fight More exhaustion - deal with the lack of new supplies Mother Russia - abandon your own sons Stalingrad - field of white death it becomes Winter Campaign! Temperature drop below zero - nightly still - calm before storm Suddenly an outburst of artillery fire shakes the ground Companies are scattered Mosin Nagant is your only friend Insomnia in the trenches where dead comrades lying left to rot Famine, hunger - Russia sends more man Swift battalions - "deiner Krieg er ist verloren" Mother Russia - strengthen your own sons "Unser Deutschland" - face dismissal of defeat Winter Campaign! Panzer support, rolling thunder, entering the battlefield Detonation, shell destruction, villages in ghastly ruins Infantry, lost in madness, shocked by terror, gasping for air Coughing up blood, feel the blast strike, calling in for tank support Armor backing, open warfare, steel is worth next to nothing In the end, the strong of mind, will conquer all, and stand their ground