brymir -- in silence Void and blind, I watched the frozen surface Frozen and hollow beyond Beyond the emptiness, a child cried Cast the fear from my eyes Some told tales of deception Of poison in disguise Words unspoken, walls lay broken Beyond the surface I saw the sun [Chorus: We will divide We shall collide We will defy, the lie With wings unchained Soaring to the sky Silence has condemned us Into perpetual night Deceiving visions created By rays of blinding light Silence shall be broken The drapery shall be torn With furious truth, undaunted I call the roar of the storm [Chorus: We will divide We shall collide We will define, a time The stars unfold Calling to the blind They can't distinguish the outlines of a future Formed by hands that keep them in the dark Held imprisoned within walls inexistent To the eyes too corrupted to see You can't deny the presence of untruthful statements Made to bind the fear within the mind Made to blind, to cover the eyes From seeing the layers and layers of lies Layers and layers of lies... [Chorus: The war-torn landscapes Open, an endless sea A sea the stillborn man can't begin to see Without a cry They drown in the depths of lies Remaining blind Blind to the truth that never dies