When you try your best but you don't succeed 终于,你抬起了头,竭尽全力的尝试,却只有失败迎面而来 When you get what you want but not what you need 梦想了多日的精神支柱,轰然崩塌 When you feel so tired but you can't sleep 夜很深,你很累,在坚持与放弃间苦苦挣扎 Stuck in reverse 惘然回首的瞬间,你不知所措 And the tears come streaming down your face 泪水成河,纵横交错于脸庞 When you lose something you can't replace 那种感觉,一失去,便再也无法得到 When you love someone but it goes to waste 难道曾经的那些爱都将付诸东流? Could it be worse? 或者说.这一切会更加糟糕? Lights will guide you home 一束光线,折射入心中,你终于找到了回家的路 And ignite your bones 于是你不再寒冷,有勇气,继续向前走 And I will try to fix you 别害怕,我永远会在你身旁 High up above or down below 感情上的大起大落,无法忍受 When you're too in love to let it go 爱得太深,又如何会放手 But if you never try you'll never know 如果你不去尝试,你又如何会知道? Just what you're worth 你拥有,改变世界的力量 Lights will guide you home 灯光迷离在泪中,让我送你回家 And ignite your bones 伤痛会过去的,一切会好起来的 And I will try to fix you 总有一天,你能向着朝阳,昂首高歌 Tears stream down your face 泪,划过眼角,正如流星划过夜空 When you lose something you cannot replace 那一刻在心中定格 Tears stream down your face 伤感,彷徨,迷惘,惆怅 And I 未来是否还有希望? Tears stream down your face 泪,滑过眼角,点燃黑暗与梦想 I promise you I will learn from my mistakes 我向你发誓,前方就有光亮 Tears stream down your face 决心,信念,奋斗,成长 And I 是的,希望早已在你我心中燃烧 Lights will guide you home 黑夜依旧肆虐,狂风依旧嘶嚎 And ignite your bones 可整个世界早已被你的心灵点亮 And I will try to fix you 向前走,迎着泪光