作曲 : PROFOUND BEATS 作词 : Y.X.H. People, big surprise, today's headline presented by FM new chicks channel 大家好,今天有个大新闻 Y.X.H. just got outta the tundra. Oh what? Y.X.H.醒过来了。什么? He asked what year? Oh, don't bother the number 他出来就问现在的年份 He's probably more aggressive than the black mamba 都说他实力深不可测 They say that he talks to kill every hunter 过去的光荣事迹是如此闪耀 Don't stand in my way is his mantra 他秉持不放弃的信念 Ponder the consequences of reviving him 现在他已经复活 The new born Y.X.H. is even stronger 反而变得更强了 Born with insatiable hunger 随之而来的还有一丝饥饿感 he's goint to be the civilization puncher 他需要赶紧补充养分 What? I'm not him, I'm just one of his existing forms 你说什么?oh不我不是他,我只是他的一个分身 Hey you just woke up the frozen beast 喂,你们刚叫醒了一头猛兽 who heat up from zero to a million degree 他会迅速进入状态 needed but the time of the beat 只需要一个beat的时间 As you guess, he ordered me to speak 猜得对,他让我替他说话 We used to be top-of-the list dancers, 我们以前一起跳舞 moved like sneaky panthers 喜欢身体律动的感觉 Our opponents all kinda weak 也碰到了一些对手 So quickly we headed to the peak 但最后抵达了巅峰 Then somebody infatuated with money said to us 然后有人告诉我们 If you get beaten you can earn more, even just once or twice OK? 让我们故意输掉比赛好多拿点钱 So I told'im 于是我告诉他 Oh wait, we don' obey orders, nor do we take in opaque lores 我们从不退让,也不会听你的 They'd be cold cakes on a cold plate, we no gold made, eat no * 我们的对手应得我们的尊敬 But we showcase our game, no shame, music's our soulmate 所以我们会全力以赴 So hey, this is not yo game if yo stutter 如果他们输了只能说实力不够 You should really go play another, sucker 不管他们之后怎么想 It's certain years of hibernation slowed my fire rate 当然多年的沉睡让我有些晕头转向 But still have a vision like the mantis shrimp 然而还有当年的锐利眼神 See a larger range, a larger spectrum 能够看穿一些事物 In a higher phase, make all the liars faze 做出明智的应对 And you probably don't know 你可能知道 I'm a rapping assassin, who sat on the pat train, 我不仅会跳舞还很会说唱 on track to the lab hatching mad king 现在醒过来了之后 Now happened to jack off to catch the 跳上了一列说唱火车 rabid rally scratching on glasses 前往嘻哈国度 Feed us the * tablets, 我很饿需要吃饭 or we'll tap hat, throwing 音乐就是我的精神食粮 javelin aiming at the facets of the 面对生活的方方面面 innocuous but lavish half of the population 我不过只是人群中的无名小卒罢了 Try catch me in my magic straightjacket 尝试追上我吧 Chaff me then I’ll whack the whole crap 然后挑战我 No gasp 我没吹牛 Go latch the door. My cast don't lack. 来挑战我我就会接受 Take a low bow and no shouting. 我始终会放低我的姿态 No doubt our albums be sold out, 虽然毫无疑问我还是很强 and the whole crowd would roll out 他们也都认可我的实力 And say hey, goody * boy, don't get moody 我说,你好啊 Fore you trynna run up to my train, please mind the gap 开始追赶我的列车之前 I don't want to frighten you, better first find yo cat 最好做足准备多多练习 Maybe the smoke blurred your vision 不要让旁骛模糊了你的视线 But it's not too late. Boy you heard me, listen 可现在绝对不算太晚,只要你听进我的话 your voracious chasing my train is forbidden 但可千万别空手来追我的列车 they rotation paving my way is for living 那样我会感到有点不高兴 Me loquacious, saving my day is for mission 想要多年的训练得到体现 God forgave us, leaving the dates all written 上帝抠抠脚都知道 Be audacious, be the bravest or hidden 只有最勇敢的才能晋级 I got nothing but lethal ability, an illegal heredity. 我拥有的力量来自于内部 If you gimme a beat to test the severity, with my powers of divinity I'll leave u in timidity. 如果你给我一个beat我马上就可以让你感受得到 Born with virility, here I got the affinity to test the rigidity of songs and my tongue's agility. 这样的力量一半天生一半来自后天 Never in debility, and my lyrics emitted the righteous avidity for higher rapidity 所以我的歌词一直都在追求更高的境界 so what's the next thing 那接下来要说什么呢 go wait for the next train 说不定你能赶得上下一班列车 my people are waiting to crown me the next king 然后和我一起起舞 Usher in the next reign. 开启新的时代 Call me Mr. LyrYX. Me henceforth 叫我歌词先生 choosing on the beat 'fore I been 对beat精挑细选 moving down to see the hiding 也不停地在摸索 looming town to meet the guidance, 寻找前辈的指导 pushing boundaries of rhyming 以写出更好的词 But I'd better be slowing down a bit, cut the crap and enjoy the view 可其实我还是想慢下来,慢慢享受周围的风景 or I'll never see the beautiful things and at the meantime deduce 不然我可能就没法捕捉世间美景然后提炼 theories and philosophies of my life 生活的哲学 As for the next thing I'm gonna chase after, likewise, is to keep learning and increase tenfold of my giri. 接下来我也要继续学习让自己更聪慧 , might be the very spirit of our time's zeitgeist 跟上我们这个时代的潮流 Oh he's hot as hell, isn't he 他真厉害啊 Yeah he's not only hot as hell, more importantly he's on his own 他厉害主要还靠自己 You heard me, now I just gotta go 现在我要走了 No no no wait for me 不不,等等我 Catch up with the rest of my forms 赶紧追上我吧 We'll meet at the top, you know what I mean 我们应当会在顶峰 You see that they choose me cuz I'm 他们选择我是因为 unique as a kiwi bird in a miniskirt 我存在稀有 When you see me, take it easy cuz 看到我的时候别紧张 you probably gonna meet me where 你可能很快就会 hellfire burns around the keeper 和我开始聊得很嗨 Or a place you can see the earth 或者去好玩的地方玩 Though I came up with this cheesy verse 尽管我可能话不多 they all say we deserve 但我总是会 the epithet as a kiwi-pedia 尝试用精炼的语言表达 We don’t live in the media 我不生活在媒体中 We advocate "viva la vida" 我倡导“生命万岁” Gimme a teaser, then I'll be ripping the beat up 给我一个beat吧,我来给你表演一段 Sever the cheater, turned him into a liquified amoeba 用我的热情把气氛点燃 And it'll be the case that I have this delicate idea 用我现场想的主意引起你的注意 Fit-kit to rear the hatching of mad king to finally leave a 用我的技术和实力让你明白 secret leaker mouth shut and go meet hell of a keeper 我就是我,独一无二 Lest it seem to forge an undefeatable killer gorilla 除非有人进来捣乱 Cuz indeed the massacre itself is a delicacia 不然我基本上不太会生气 Personally, I favor to rea-rrange the schedule 个人角度而言,其实也还好 Take a detour, get it done via 只不过我会让来者很快就明白 my nature as a novelty seeker, 我的性格虽然温顺但是实力强大 just to reveal the truth that I'm just getting heat up 并且我还只是刚刚起步罢了