[00:00.000] 作曲 : Luminaire [00:00.000] 作词 : Luminaire [00:00.000]Sunlight Phantom [00:11.843]词曲:王一程 [00:21.318]Keep on pacing the city I thought I knew 在这我自以为了解的城市里持续踱步 [00:30.134]I feel like taking control of what I chose 想要控制自己选择的一切 [00:38.304]Oh what I have left behind me is a rising sea 留在身后的是一片上涨的海洋 [00:47.299]Oh the sun burning me give me something I dare to believe 灼烧我的太阳,请给我敢于继续相信的理由 [00:57.014]I open my eyes just to wait and see 我睁开双眼就是为了等着目睹 [01:05.799]My kingdom will come to me 我的王国将要降临 [01:09.549]It’s just so near 已经很近 [01:15.581]I, I’m burning with the sun 我和太阳一起燃烧 [01:18.680]And the pain is just begun 这痛苦才刚刚开始 [01:21.587]But nothing can be undone 可没有什么事可以重来 [01:24.694]I, I burned my bridges down 我断绝了所有退路 [01:27.817]Forever on the run 永远都在逃亡 [01:30.692]I’m falling fast to the ground 我正飞速向地表坠落 [01:38.819]I never like all these grand spires they stare at me 从不喜欢城市恢弘的尖顶,它们盯着我看 [01:47.655]They drag you down with your screams whenever you bleed 当你流血时,它们连同你的呐喊将你向下拽 [01:55.723]Like a tree with roots so deep 像一棵树扎根到地心深处 [02:00.350]Oh this fear will always persist 这恐惧将永远持续 [02:05.040]But let the sun shine on me 但还是让太阳照耀我吧 [02:07.231]Never bother to care what is real 不会再去费心在乎什么才是真的 [02:14.826]I, I’m burning with the sun 我和太阳一起燃烧 [02:17.996]And the pain is just begun 这痛苦才刚刚开始 [02:20.801]But nothing can be undone 可没有什么事可以重来 [02:24.091]I, I burned my bridges down 我断绝了所有退路 [02:27.313]Forever on the run 永远都在逃亡 [02:30.137]I’m falling fast to the ground 我正飞速向地表坠落 [03:02.274]I open my eyes just to wait and see 我睁开双眼,等待着看到 [03:11.478]That this phantom of stones and bricks 这石头与砖块组成的幻影 [03:16.063]Crack in tides of rolling tears 在汹涌翻滚的泪水中崩塌 [03:20.686]God this pain is so heavenly 天啊这痛苦如此圣洁美妙 [03:24.272]I can’t resist 我无法抗拒 [03:30.341]I, I’m burning with the sun 我和太阳一起燃烧 [03:33.555]And the pain is just begun 这痛苦才刚刚开始 [03:36.432]But nothing can be undone 可没有什么事可以重来 [03:39.500]I, I’m burning with the sun 我和太阳一起燃烧 [03:42.687]And the pain is just begun 这痛苦才刚刚开始 [03:45.506]But nothing can be undone 可没有什么事可以重来 [03:48.620]I, I burned my bridges down 我断绝了所有退路 [03:51.853]Forever on the run 永远都在逃亡 [03:54.670]I’m falling fast to the ground 我正飞速向地表坠落