作曲 : 无 作词 : 无 No, I think I'll stay in tonight   噢我想我今晚会留下   Skip the conversations and the "Oh, I'm fines"   略过一遍遍对话 重复着"我很好"的虚假   No, I'm no stranger to surprise   不这一切对我并不陌生和惊喜了   This paper town has let me down too many times   这纸包住的假象伤过我太多次了 Why do I even try? Give me a reason why   为何我还要留下来呢 告诉我为何   I thought that I could trust you, never mind   我想我可以无条件信任你   Why all the switching sides?   但你为何要三刀两面   Where do I draw the line?   叫我将底线置于何处   I guess I'm too naive to read the signs   我想我应该小心警戒   I'm just lookin' for some real friends   我只想寻得些真心朋友   All they ever do is let me down   但他们只会让我失望伤透   Every time I let somebody in   每一次我将心敞开给某人   Then I find out what they're all about   最后都会发现他们的面目有多可憎   I'm just lookin' for some real friends   我只想寻得些真心朋友   Wonder where they're all hidin' out   不知那真心的人藏身何处   I'm just lookin' for some real friends   我只想寻得些真心朋友   Gotta get up out of this town   或许该离开这个伤心之城   I stay up, talkin' to the moon   我整夜不眠 对月空言   Been feelin' so alone in every crowded room   在每个拥挤空间都感觉孤单难填   Can't help but feel like something's wrong   情不自禁觉得一切已出错走偏   Yeah   'Cause the place I'm livin' in   我生活的这个地方   Just doesn't feel like home   毫无家的感觉可言   I'm just lookin' for some real friends   我只想寻得些真心朋友   All they ever do is let me down   但他们只会让我失望伤透   Every time I let somebody in   每一次我将心敞开给某人   Then I find out what they're all about   最后都会发现他们的面目有多可憎   I'm just lookin' for some real friends   我只想寻得些真心朋友   Wonder where they're all hidin' out   不知那真心的人藏身何处   I'm just lookin' for some real friends   我只想寻得些真心朋友   Gotta get up out of this town   或许该离开这个伤心之城   Lookin' for some new friends   我只想寻得些真心朋友   Oh, ohhh   I just wanna talk about nothin' with somebody that means something   我只想与重要的人漫无目的地聊天谈心   Spell the names of all our dreams and demons   用言语拼出彼此的梦想   For the times that I don't understand   以及在我懵懂的岁月里那扰人心魔的模样   Tell me what's the point of a moon like this   告诉我今晚的月亮为何会是这样   When I'm alone again   当我再一次陷入孤寂   Can I run away to somewhere beautiful   可否让我逃离到某个绝美之境   Where nobody knows my name?   某个没有人认识我的陌生之境   I'm just lookin' for some real friends   我只想寻得些真心朋友   All they ever do is let me down   但他们只会让我失望伤透   Every time I let somebody in   每一次我将心敞开给某人   But I find out what they're all about   最后都会发现他们的面目有多可憎   I'm just lookin' for some real friends   我只想寻得些真心朋友   All they ever do is let me down   不知那真心的人藏身何处   I'm just lookin' for some real friends   我只想寻得些真心朋友   Gotta get up out of this town   或许该离开这个伤心之城