作曲 : 无 作词 : 无 [00:26]Down the Via Dolorosa in Jerusalem that day [00:34]在耶路撒冷的那一日 沿著维亚多勒罗沙 [00:34]The soldiers tried to clear the narrow street [00:41]士兵们试着在这狭窄的街上开出一条路 [00:41]But the crowd pressed in to see [00:46]但是众人却拥挤著前来 [00:46]The Man condemned to die on Calvary [00:56]想要一睹这被判处十字架刑的人 [00:56] [00:56] [00:56]He was bleeding from a beating, there were stripes upon His back [01:04]祂身上被鞭打流著鲜血 祂的背上印着鞭痕 [01:04]And He wore a crown of thorns upon His head [01:12]祂头上戴著荆棘冠冕 [01:12]And He bore with every step [01:16]祂每一步都忍受着痛楚 [01:16]The scorn of those who cried out for His death [01:23]旁人不断叫骂诅咒着祂的死亡 [01:23] [01:23] [01:23]Down the Via Dolorosa called the way of suffering [01:31]沿著维亚多勒罗沙 这条受苦之路 [01:31]Like a lamb came the Messiah, Christ the King [01:38]正如同一只羔羊 这位弥赛亚缓缓前行 祂是基督君王 [01:38]But He chose to walk that road out of [01:42]祂选择走上了这条路 [01:42]His love for you and me [01:50]因为祂深爱世人 深爱你和我 [01:50]Down the Via Dolorosa, all the way to Calvary [02:05]沿著维亚多勒罗沙大道,一路到加略山 [02:05] [02:05] [02:05]Down the Via Dolorosa in Jerusalem that day [02:13]在耶路撒冷的那一日 沿著维亚多勒罗沙 [02:13]The soldiers tried to clear the narrow street [02:21]士兵们试着在这狭窄的街上开出一条路 [02:21]But the crowd pressed in to see [02:25]但是众人却拥挤著前来 [02:25]The Man condemned to die on Calvary [02:32]想要一睹这被判处十字架刑的人 [02:32] [02:32] [02:32]Down the Via Dolorosa called the way of suffering [02:40]沿著维亚多勒罗沙 这条受苦之路 [02:40]Like a lamb came the Messiah, Christ the King [02:47]正如同一只羔羊 这位弥赛亚缓缓前行 祂是基督君王 [02:47]But He chose to walk that road out of [02:52]祂选择走上了这条路 [02:52]His love for you and me [02:59]因为祂深爱世人 深爱你和我 [02:59]Down the Via Dolorosa, all the way to Calvary [04:00]沿著维亚多勒罗沙大道,一路到加略山