Shivering once again There is nothing to stop bleeding Heavier than wounds and yearnings Won't you tell wich are yours desires? In your dreams I have never been your sin Now I'm dancing in this ache of emptydays Lost the faith I stroke the pain And I've never blamed No one's pride stops The affliction inside This silent madness, just pull me under ANGELS CRY ING ANGELS CRYING AMO NG THOSE M EMORIES IS WHAT I'M D YING FOR A NGELS CRYI NG ANGELS CRYING, CA N'T BEAR A LL SHADES ON ME IS W HAT I'M DY ING FOR Drowning beyond the sea Inner voices guide my sickness Tear out your fears and shyness Naked passion is one's desires I was weak trying to aproach to your lips Now I'm dancing in this ache of empty days I creep insane by your skin, Like poisoned pleasure, Must be unreal Dim thought have turned to dust And spelt by your glance And frightened by shadows I lie here...