[00:00.98]So silent [00:05.99]I came into your room [00:07.30] [00:08.61]So silent [00:09.61] [00:11.61]I unsheathed my knife [00:13.30] [00:14.73]So silent [00:15.86] [00:17.92]I came into your room [00:21.43]So silent [00:22.17] [00:23.74]I unsheathed my knife [00:26.61] [00:27.42]So silent [00:28.43] [00:33.67]So silent [00:34.55] [00:53.99]When the dark wood fell before me [00:56.36] [00:59.98]And all the paths were overgrown [01:02.98] [01:06.05]When the priest of pride [01:08.49] [01:12.24]Says there is no other way [01:15.36] [01:20.05]There is no other way [01:21.74] [01:24.67]There is no other way [01:27.30] [01:30.86]There is no other way [01:33.42] [02:06.55]So silent [02:07.92] [02:10.11]I came into your room [02:11.55] [02:12.48]So silent [02:13.92] [02:15.61]I unsheathed my knife [02:17.42] [02:18.86]So silent [02:20.05] [02:22.11]I came into your room [02:25.36]So silent [02:26.17] [02:32.92]When the dark wood fell before me [02:34.88] [02:38.82]And all the paths wEre overgrown [02:42.06] [02:45.07]When the priest of pride [02:46.94] [02:51.44]Says there is no other way [02:54.07] [04:22.69]So silent [04:24.00] [04:28.88]So silent [04:30.44] [04:35.31]So silent [04:36.26] [04:38.57]I came into your room [04:41.88]So silent [04:43.19] [04:49.19]When the dark wood fell before me [04:52.37] [04:55.13]And all the paths were overgrown [04:58.33] [05:01.33]When the priest of pride [05:03.56] [05:07.12]Says there is no other way [05:08.87] [05:09.50]