作曲 : BO$$.MA 作词 : BO$$.MA Wake up in the morning feel like a peach Boby call me rolling with her when we on the beach I left her with the house and my doggy which called kiki She hugged my leg and told me babe Don't leave me 我没有办法带你逃离这个欲望深渊 把韵脚一个个排起情感开始做点铺垫 让808的鼓点响起围绕在我的身边 布置好陷阱猎人时间到了开始狩猎 他们说玩的燥点饶点让他们看到希望 但佛说遇事要心平气和才能少点羁绊 到底什么是对的什么时候无路可退了 什么时候毫无意义的歌词都被人当成宝贝了 那我就知道了这场战争在所难免 我不喜欢带着枪药的歌词但这次我玩点 真实的灵魂总要出声这在所难免 唤醒你灵魂带你走出迷茫 捍卫我的道 路 做正义的情人我从来不提防 faker们的报 复 *****也别再提臀 都给我少点套路 我当然知道凡事都得靠我自己 每个人情况不一样我只是我不是你 你满脑子的骚想法我怎么猜的透 我只想做大做到international 我只想坐在豪华跑车里靠着别墅count money 有话直讲我有底气还有bad ***** love me 当我做着梦的时候我已经开始飞行 但莫名其妙我又掉回原来的陷阱 Wake up in the morning feel like a peach Boby call me rolling with her when we on the beach I left her with the house and my doggy which called kiki She hugged my leg and told me babe Don't leave me Wake up in the morning feel like a peach Boby call me rolling with her when we on the beach I left her with the house and my doggy which called kiki She told me she love me don't leave me