Mushroom clouds over your bed After it has crawled into your head Forms some giant novel to be read Of your, of your, your funny little strangelove Traffic signs on a detour Leads you round in circles round the bay Til you're toothless, old, and bald or grey This life, this life, this life is such a strange route The sky's full of scary things That could wipe us out at any minute So let's make love! Let's live it up, live it up, live it up Young man/young woman If my brother falls then i will pick him up If my sister tells a lie then i will straighten her out If your sister falls then you must pick her up If your brother tells a lie then you must straighten him out If i see you fall then i will pick you up And if you hear me tell a lie then You must straighten me out Mushroom cloud, mushroom cloud, mushroom cloud...