Preparations to consume a human body -a clean shot in the skull to kill your victim -meat hook inserted -hanging with the head down With a bladed knife make a deep ear to ear cut -if the Animal not yet dead this will kill it quickly -let the blood drain out -start the beheading - Cut the entire neck - Separate with a saw -keep the scull as a trophy Decapitation - Sliced & diced human meat - Sliced & diced a cannibal feast - Female outer lips skinned as the rest - It's important to leave the anus - untouched -the female breasts compose gland and fatty tissue - Despite it's lustful appearance inedible - Skinning single pieces not necessary - avoid slicing into muscles and viscera -with a saw cut through the pubic bone -pull out the large and small intestines - Human waste disposed in a number of ways as animal food or burial - bones can be pulverized -