作曲 : 周震南 作词 : 周震南 编曲:sususu In my last moments i will show you who i really am Before i give up myself don't try to make me stop it you'd better not In my last moments i will show you who i really am Before i give up myself don't try to make me stop it you'd better not 斯外戈: 你最好 不要遇到 困难就选择性的逃避 你最好 不要被挫败后 就只会躲着抽泣 你最好不要为了一场游戏 而放弃现实的磨砺 你最好不要忘记每轮结果揭晓前你是多么没底气 你最好不要为了一时愉悦去传播不该说出的秘密 你最好不要再对任何真心为你着想的人乱发脾气 你最好不要放弃释放内心深处渴望被发现的细腻 你最好不要为了当下一时利益选择去把双眼蒙蔽 In my last moments i will show you who i really am Before i give up myself don't try to make me stop it you'd better not In my last moments i will show you who i really am Before i give up myself don't try to make me stop it you'd better not 周震南: You'd better not forget your initial heart 你 最好不 要沦为 尘埃后 反过来 问自己 那时候 Why did i start 你 最好不 要等到 失去了 一切后 才明白 你当初 Fighting for what 你 最好不 要因为 一点点 的满足 就心里 默念着 That is enoug I hope i can be humble I hope i can keep lie low I hope i never lose my soul Never out of control I won't be afraid I want to be the hunter not the prey I won't be afraid I want to be the hunter not the prey In my last moments i will show you who i really am Before i give up myself don't try to make me stop it you'd better not In my last moments i will show you who i really am Before i give up myself don't try to make me stop it you'd better not In my last moments i will show you who i really am Before i give up myself don't try to make me stop it you'd better not In my last moments i will show you who i really am Before i give up myself don't try to make me stop it you'd better not In my last moments i will show you who i really am Before i give up myself don't try to make me stop it you'd better not