作曲 : 无 作词 : 无 You got me sipping on something 你让我滑落那感觉 I can't compare to nothing 我想不出如何比喻 I bet for known I'm hoping 我打赌我在祈求 That after this fever I'll survive 这阵头热过后我会存活 I know I'm acting a bit crazy 我知道我显得有点疯狂 Strung out, a little bit hazy 毒瘾般,有点模糊 Hand over heart, I'm praying 双手放在胸前我祈祷着 That I'm gonna make it out alive 我会平安无事的渡过这一切 The bed's getting cold and you're not here 床的温度渐渐抽离你却不在这里 The future that we hold is so unclear 我们手握的未来又是如此的遥不可及 But I'm not alive until you call 但直到你打来前我不准备清醒 And I'll bet the odds against it all 我敢赌这几率如此渺小 Save your advice 'cause I won't hear 把你的劝告收起来 因为我不会听的 You might be right but I don't care 你也许对 但我不在乎 There's a million reasons why I should give you up 我放弃你有千万个理由 But the heart wants what it wants 但心之所向我却无力抵抗 You got me scattered in pieces 你把我扯得粉碎 Shining like stars and screaming 像星辰一样闪亮并狂吼着 Lightening me up like Venus 把我像维纳斯般点亮 But then you disappear and make me wait 但之后却消失不见让我徒等 And every second's like torture 每秒钟都像对我百般折磨 Hell over trip, no more so 地狱里行走,也不过如此 Finding a way to let go 拼命找一条出路 Baby baby no I can't escape 亲爱的我却无法逃脱 The bed's getting cold and you're not here 床的温度渐渐抽离你却不在这里 The future that we hold is so unclear 我们手握的未来又是如此的遥不可及 But I'm not alive until you call 但直到你打来前我不准备清醒 And I'll bet the odds against it all 我敢赌这几率如此渺小 Save your advice 'cause I won't hear 把你的劝告收起来 因为我不会听的 You might be right but I don't care 你也许对 但我不在乎 There's a million reasons why I should give you up 我放弃你有千万个理由 But the heart wants what it wants 但心之所向我却无力抵抗 This is a modern fairy-tale 这是现代的童话 No happy endings 没有幸福的结局 No wind in our sails 没有哪个人得胜 But I can't imagine a life without 但我无法想象生命没有了这一切的话 Breathless moments 让我窒息 Breaking me down 我打倒 The bed's getting cold and you're not here 床的温度渐渐抽离你却不在这里 The future that we hold is so unclear 我们手握的未来又是如此的遥不可及 But I'm not alive until you call 但直到你打来前我不准备清醒 And I'll bet the odds against it all 我敢赌这几率如此渺小 Save your advice 'cause I won't hear 把你的劝告收起来 因为我不会听的 You might me right but I don't care 你也许对 但我不在乎 There's a million reasons why I should give you up 我放弃你有千万个理由 But the heart wants what it wants 但心之所向我却无力抵抗 The heart wants what it wants baby 亲爱的,你就是心之所向