[00:00.000] 作曲 : Bluebear/Jason.W.Xin [00:01.000] 作词 : Bluebear/Jason.W.Xin [00:05:12]Beat by: TeJayBeatz [00:10:12]Verse by: Jason.W.Xin & [00:15:12]Mix by: Jason.W.Xin [00:19:12]【Hook】 [00:19:12]Medusa Medusa [00:20:49]敢不敢来对视我的双眼 [00:23:71]Medusa Medusa [00:25:04]还是你想要我手里的钱 [00:28:31]Medusa Medusa [00:29:63]I ma go tell you how do we rock(我来告诉你我们怎么去撼动世界) [00:31:86]How do we run to the top of the top(如何走向巅峰) [00:34:16]How do we hustle and how do we mob(如何自由畅快) [00:37:39]【Verse 1】 [00:37:39]Medusa Medusa Medusa Medusa [00:39:82]Medusa Medusa [00:42:01]I heard you got new Bia7(听说你新换了女朋友) [00:43:12]She pretty and nasty named Kournikova(好看美丽) [00:45:70]Heard you got this(听说你买到了这些) [00:46:60]And heard you got that(听说你买到了那些) [00:47:99]Heard you got MFK(听说你买到了) [00:49:10]Best of the best(最好的.尖.货.) [00:50:19]Heard you got everything(听说你买到了好多好多) [00:51:36]通过你自豪的 引以为傲的 [00:53:39]那三流的rap [00:55:68]我睁开的双眼 看不到你的美 [01:00:16]你昨天发的歌 写作又雇了谁 [01:04:87]Medusa ring Medusa shoes [01:07:04]Medusa chain [01:08:43]Medusa everything 全都是FK [01:10:78]装模作样地想来取悦谁 [01:14:01]Medusa my carpet [01:15:38]写作的笔 和卖韵脚的market [01:18:58]你别过来多嘴 [01:19:88]后座的MF能让你们后悔 [01:23:11]Medusa on my wrist [01:24:80]When I go on my high way [01:27:84]让你朝拜一次 [01:29:61]把你扔进乱石堆 [01:32:32]【Hook】 [01:32:32]Medusa Medusa [01:33:58]敢不敢来对视我的双眼 [01:36:92]Medusa Medusa [01:38:09]还是你想要我手里的钱 [01:41:51]Medusa Medusa [01:42:88]I ma go tell you how do we rock(我来告诉你我们怎么去撼动世界) [01:44:99]How do we run to the top of the top(如何走向巅峰) [01:47:30]How do we hustle and how do we mob(如何自由畅快) [01:50:53]Medusa Medusa Medusa Medusa [01:52:84]Medusa Medusa [01:55:18]F off that hater that FKR(打倒那些虚的假的) [01:56:79]That W baby you know what(你懂我在说谁吧) [01:59:95]让他们知道谁才是主宰 [02:02:15]写进了神话 [02:04:31]Medusa Medusa Medusa Medusa [02:06:60]Medusa Medusa [02:08:01]【Verse 2】 [02:08:01]我的名字原来是BIGBOY [02:09:99]但是现在作为Bluebear重新上阵 [02:12:50]把那些.废.物.rapper聚在一起 [02:14:52]像秦始皇一样将他们.埋.葬. [02:16:92]如果有想要的就去追逐啊小子 [02:19:40]到现在为止还是个不会rap的rapper [02:21:62]写出的东西也都是.垃.圾.一般的差 [02:23:39]热衷当个匿名键盘侠 [02:26:20]你真的想做音乐么 [02:29:60]F that [02:30:31]一直都在苦苦钻研 [02:33:74]可抛开让人头疼的音乐 [02:37:14]你想要的不过是.夜.夜.笙.歌. [02:40:54]通宵享乐 [02:42:76]早知道这样就不该做音乐 [02:46:46]做音乐也是迫不得已 [02:49:56]如果不去做的话就是.废.人.一个 [02:51:92]可做出的东西还是如同.垃.圾.一般 [02:53:55]没见识的小子们通通都跑了出来 [02:57:69]这场rap game就是是博弈 [02:59:91]一场胜负早就注定的博弈 [03:02:72]我想要的就是大摇大摆 [03:05:08]不那样的话只能成为.乞.丐. [03:07:60]所以现在我要去 [03:10:26]将Bigboy抛之脑后 [03:12:18]想成为真正的Real BIGBOY [03:14:84]都想成为真正的BIGBOY [03:17:06]但现在我的名字是Bluebear [03:18:83]聆听撕碎一切的怒号吧wow [03:22:06]【Hook】 [03:22:06]Medusa Medusa [03:23:35]敢不敢来对视我的双眼 [03:26:63]Medusa Medusa [03:27:92]还是你想要我手里的钱 [03:31:12]Medusa Medusa [03:32:47]I ma go tell you how do we rock(我来告诉你我们怎么去撼动世界) [03:34:88]How do we run to the top of the top(如何走向巅峰) [03:36:98]How do we hustle and how do we mob(如何自由畅快) [03:40:33]Medusa Medusa Medusa Medusa [03:42:62]Medusa Medusa [03:44:90]F off that hater that FKR(打倒那些虚的假的) [03:46:57]That W baby you know what(你懂我在说谁吧) [03:49:69]让他们知道谁才是主宰 [03:51:87]写进了神话 [03:54:05]Medusa Medusa Medusa Medusa [03:56:27]Medusa Medusa