作词 : Akerfeldt, Lindgren To Bid You Farewell 与君离别意 I am awaiting the sunrise Gazing modestly through the coldest morning 我于冻晨静凝 以候拂晓 Once it came you lied Embracing us over autumn's proud treetops 你曾撒谎说 秋之树梢可以拥抱我们 I stand motionless In a parade of falling rain 我于霏雨 静静伫立 You voice I cannot hear As I am falling again 失落之时 已不能再闻你音语 Devotion eludes 无声逃避 And in sadness I lumber 于悲伤中蹒踽 In my own ashes I am standing without a soul 在自我的残烬之中仅剩一副壳躯 She wept and whispered: "I know..." 她啜泣并在耳边低语:我都知道... We walked into the night Am I to bid you farewell? 迈入夜色 离别之时是否已到? Why can't you see that I try When every tear is shed Is for you? 你是否已经知道我每一滴眼泪 皆为君所与?