作曲 : 30HertzBeats 作词 : 鳄鱼阳阳/Lil Moon 后期制作:Mandalay studio 来自缅甸新疆的真实声音 It I get the money, I'll all-night with the swag, (如果我有我会整夜) it I get the money, I'll take you to my , (如果我有了我会) it I get the money, give you what you want it, (如果我变得富有给你一切想要的) no need to doubt it baby , (不用再怀疑) rich man my position (老板是我的代号) Pls focus and attention (请把注意力集中到这边) I don't play with bad , (我不玩) so just try to be honestly , (所以请保持好真诚) noting trouble in my mind, (没有任何烦恼在我脑海里) Riding jet plan and flying on the sky , (驾驶着喷气飞机在蓝天上傲游) tell truth, whatever I do, (说实话不管我做什么) I just fight for benefit, and I never lose (我只会为利益而奋斗也从来没有失败过), spend on you, drunk for you, (花在你身上,为你) what you gonna do (你要怎么办?) you better make up your mind I don't wanna peekaboo (你最好做出好的决定,我不想和你躲猫猫) Jordan shoes on my feet, (穿着名牌球鞋) Candlelight dinner all the week (一周都在吃烛光晚餐) Mercy i don't need (我不需要) Cause I got all this ability (因为我早已经有了) big yes I did it (我确实做到了) My money three is shaking (我的钱在摇摆) Young they still (迷茫的们还跌跌撞撞) How could they surpass me (他们怎么能超越我?) It I get the money, I'll all-night with the swag, (如果我有了我会) it I get the money, I'll take you to my , (如果我有了我会把你带到我) it I get the money, give you what you want it, (如果我变得富有给你一切想要的) no need to doubt it baby , (不用再怀疑) rich man my position (是我的代号) 满脑子都是rich 手上的表都产自 身边围着全是 但心里没的位置 都在绞尽脑汁想尽办法跟我沾边 但我的全都放在努力赚钱 赚钱买个大别墅 让我搬去住 给我柜摆满 和我homie喝到 赚到钱的都是 现金在我 给我座驾镀满黄金 上学五个 每天都是bling bling bling 实力够和路飞 捞钱从来不 天生就是富 rich 不是简单的 rich 和homie做个大的 rich 我的专辑 rich 跟谈事带个翻译 准备好赚个盆满钵满 不管路途会有多苦多难 不会为了钱去感到为难 从开始掀起波澜 将所有的计划全都兑现 让你们看到我质的蜕变 把赚的全都要换成 今晚和有一个会面 兼顾着思想 肩负的翅膀 智囊的试想 金钱是至上 脑海早已计划好了蓝图 开始起航没人把我拦住 It I get the money, I'll all-night with the swag, (如果我有了我会整夜) it I get the money, I'll take you to my, (如果我有了我会) it I get the money, give you what you want it, (如果我变得富有给你一切想要的) no need to doubt it baby , (不用再怀疑) rich man my position(是我的代号)