FIRE! Holograms projected from the Atomic age Below the atmosphere, flying bombers Recalls thermonuclear memories Fueled by scientific hatred I understand it now... As the cyber war approaches The human beings on extermination Existence: reaches its end. Hopeless; the tolerated levels of Stupidity exceed their limits, Nuclear war and chemical warfare Self-destroy mechanisms in progress he peleado las guerras profetizadas he combatido a la humanidad bajo el claro manto de la guerra de titanio contemplo el genocidio mundial BLASTED EARTH SURVIVAL, BLASTED FUTURE FOR MANKIND COLLIDING EXTINCTION IT'S THE WORLD GENOCIDE BLAST The war is over now... As the cyber war has ended The human beings have been exterminated Existence -- dwells no more. Insanity, corrupted the conscious minds Artificial intelligence took over, Supreme machines tore down the walls Self-destroy mechanisms in success! el impacto del invierno nuclear desarrolla la crisis de la existencia y entre el mar de los neutroles anhelo la extinción efectiva de la subversión dominante BLASTED EARTH SURVIVAL, BLASTED FUTURE FOR MANKIND COLLIDING EXTINCTION IT'S THE WORLD GENOCIDE BLAST BLASTED EARTH SURVIVAL, BLASTED FUTURE FOR MANKIND COLLIDING EXTINCTION IT'S THE WORLD GENOCIDE BLAST